So what is a "Choose Your Own Adventure with a Roguelike Twist"?

The world of Terratopia is a love letter to the JRPGs of our childhood. But rather than just recreate the tropes of the genre, our aim is to present them as they appeared to us as children: impossibly large, brimming with endless possibilities.

Enter Nym: our narrator. Just like us, Nym grew up hearing stories of the forces of light and darkness and fell in love with the idea of a huge world that could be explored endlessly. And just like us, Nym wants to tell her own story, just to be a part of that world for a little while.

You have only a few days before The Demon King arrives on your doorstep, and you must defend your home, improve your equipment, and gain as much knowledge as possible to ready yourself for the coming battle.  But as you explore the world of Terratopia in an attempt to stop the March of The Demon King, you'll take a number of wrong turns: falling in battle, failing to muster enough defenders to protect your home, or any number of other deadly situations you'll find yourself in.

Terratopia: MoTDK is, at its heart, an adventure game: You must pay attention to and learn from the world around you to discover the correct course of action. But rather than a typical adventure game with no failure condition, we've opted to bake failure directly into the game loop: the best way to get the information you need to make the correct decisions is to make incorrect decisions first, and every failure moves you closer to finding the right way forward, not just by eliminating possibilities, but by giving you additional information that you can apply to your next attempt.  In this, Nym is not only the narrator, but a companion: helping you remember and reflect on what you learn each time.

Terratopia's playtime can run anywhere between 2 and 5+ hours, depending on how much exploring you feel like doing, and players can expect to fail 8 or more times in the process of discovering the best way to save their home.

But that's alright: Nym knows that just like telling a good story, sometimes it takes a few tries to find a really good ending!

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